Sunday, December 9, 2007

Introducing the Neurotech Club

Born out of the "Brain Futures" event, part of Flagship Ventures Explorations series, we are initiating a student organization focusing on neurotechnology. Much of the text below comes from the previous iteration of this club at MIT which was organized by Joost Bonsen. The vision below should be credited to his efforts. This group and the blog is open to new contributors. Feel free to contact Chuck Eesley for more information and to subscribe to the neurotech email list hosted at MIT.

The NeuroTech Club is a new MIT/Harvard/BU-wide student organization which aims to (a) advance understanding of emerging applied neuroscience & neuroengineering advances, (b) to serve researchers from throughout MIT through events and activities, and (c) to build links between interested science, engineering, and business communities at and beyond the Institute.

Neurotechnologies are a broad emerging area of research activity at MIT, and correspondingly, a major arena for discovery, innovation, & entrepreneurship.

MIT Neuro Efforts Generally

Many labs & departments at MIT are pursuing different aspects & approaches to Neurotechnology. In the School of Science, Biology and Brain & Cognitive Science each have faculty seeking fundamental understanding of neural development & brain function. In the School of Engineering, Mechanical Engineers, Materials Scientists, Electrical Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Biological Engineers, and more, investigate neuromorphic computing, artificial intelligence, prostheses, motor-control systems, and neuroengineering generally ( ). MIT Labs actively involved in this domain include MTL, RLE, HST, AI, CBCL, BCS, McGovern, Whitehead, Picower, Martinos, and more.